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March 9 / 14, 2024
Forum 100 | 6229 GV Maastricht
The Netherlands
Fondantico returns to Tefaf Maastricht, the unmatched show in terms of museum-quality historical artworks and exceptionality of the objects on display, for this reason it offers an incomparable opportunity for private or institutional collectors, and for all visitors as well. Fondantico takes part with great enthusiasm presenting unique paintings from XVI to XIX centuries.
Guido Reni
Bologna, 1575 – 1642
Sleeping Cupid, 1630-1635
Oil on canvas, 53 x 63 cm
Inscriptions: “Dell’ Sig.r Gio. Antonio Raggi”, on the back of the original canvas.
Provenance: Genoa, Giovanni Battista Raggi (1611-1657).