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Fondantico di Tiziana Sassoli – Galleria d'arte

TEFAF 2022

June 25 / 30, 2022

MECC Maastricht

Forum 100 | 6229 GV Maastricht
The Netherlands

Fondantico returns to Tefaf Maastricht with an admirable presentation of Old Masters Paintings from XVI to XVIII centuries, holding true to our commitment once again, offering works by prestigious Emilian painters. It is worth to highlight a painting of Alexander and Taxiles, a work of considerable historical and artistic importance by the  Parmesan painter Sisto Badalocchi, a pupil of Annibale Carracci, executed in 1615-16 as part of a series of eleven ovals commissioned by Cardinal Alessandro Peretti Montalto for his palazzo at Termini in Rome. Given that this beautiful painting has been officially listed by the Italian State, we hope it will be housed in some Italian museum or institution so that it may always remain visible to the public.

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