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Fondantico di Tiziana Sassoli – Galleria d'arte

Mostra Emmalisa Senin

I dipinti di una vita

Bologna, January 23 – February 6, 2016

From Jan. 23 to Feb. 6, 2016, Fondantico Arte+ Gallery is hosting the exhibition Emmalisa Senin. Paintings of a Life, which brings together 50 works, on canvas and on paper, by the adopted Bolognese painter, who passed away in 1995. Emmalisa Senin lived her long time in continuous dialogue with painting, which becomes a vision of the world, lyrical and almost dreamy, never detached from the sensitive. In the exhibition, a selection of works exemplary of the artist’s vision of the world, of her light and at the same time penetrating approach to the life of everyday things; of her discreet and measured painting, traversed by the breath of a subdued and melancholy poetry of feriality that is not intimistically withdrawing in on itself, but an expression of moral commitment.

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