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Fondantico di Tiziana Sassoli – Galleria d'arte

Giovanni Andrea Donducci detto Il Mastelletta

“… un genio bizzarro”

Bologna, May 10 – June 10, 2007

At Tiziana Sassoli’s Fondantico Gallery in “spring,” as happened last year with a monographic exhibition on the “Gandolfi,” another, but perhaps more ambitious, monographic exhibition dedicated to the Bolognese painter Giovanni Andrea Donducci known as the Mastelletta (Bologna, 1575 – 1655) will be held from May 10 to June 10, 2007. The presence of some twenty-five of the painter’s works makes the event particularly important because monographic exhibitions of Donducci have never been held. The exhibition will be correlated with a scholarly catalog, edited by Prof. Daniele Benati, which will stand as an important contribution to studies on this singular and fascinating Bolognese painter.

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